
Cerebrospinal Fluid Amyloid-Β and Cerebral Microbleed Are Associated with Distinct Neuropsychiatric Sub-Syndromes in Cognitively Impaired Patients

Alzheimer's research & therapy(2024)

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Abstract Background Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) are prevalent in cognitively impaired individuals including Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Whereas several studies have reported the associations between NPS with AD pathologic biomarkers and cerebral small vessel disease (SVD), but it remains unknown whether AD pathology and SVD contribute to different sub-syndromes independently or aggravate same symptoms synergistically. Method We included 445 cognitively impaired individuals (including 316 MCI and 129 AD) with neuropsychiatric, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers (Aβ42, p-tau, and t-tau) and multi-model MRI data. Psychiatric symptoms were accessed by using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI). Visual assessment of SVD (white matter hyperintensity, microbleed, perivascular space, lacune) on MRI images was performed by experienced radiologist. Linear regression analyses were conducted to test the association between neuropsychiatric symptoms with AD pathology and CSVD burden after adjustment for age, sex, education, apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 carrier status, and clinical diagnosis. Results The NPI total scores were related to microbleed (estimate 2.424; 95% CI [0.749, 4.099]; P =0.005). Considering the sub-syndromes, the hyperactivity was associated with microbleed (estimate 0.925; 95% CI [0.115, 1.735]; P =0.025), whereas the affective symptoms were correlated to CSF level of Aβ42 (estimate -0.006; 95% CI [-0.011, -0.002]; P =0.005). Furthermore, we found the apathy sub-syndrome was associated with CSF t-tau/Aβ42 (estimate 0.636; 95% CI [0.078, 1.194]; P =0.041) and microbleed (estimate 0.693; 95% CI [0.046, 1.340]; P =0.036). In addition, we found a significant interactive effect between CSF t-tau/Aβ42 and microbleed (estimate 0.993; 95% CI [0.360, 1.626]; P =0.019) on severity of apathy sub-syndrome. Conclusion Our study showed that CSF Aβ42 was associated with affective symptoms, but microbleed was correlated with hyperactivity and apathy, suggesting the effect of AD pathology and SVD on different neuropsychiatric sub-syndromes.
Alzheimer’s disease,Neuropsychiatry,Amyloid,Small vessel disease,Biomarkers
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