Current status and standardization prospects of blockchain integration and innovation in the Web3.0

Xiangjuan Jia, Xinwei Fang, Yijie Zhang, Heng Yuan,Xiaofeng Chen, Wenfei Ge, Weinan Liu


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Abstract In the Web3.0 era, which does not rely on any centralized organization and emphasizes user control, security, trustworthiness and the importance of data privacy, blockchain plays a key role. Its decentralization, security and trustworthiness and other characteristics have become Building the infrastructure of trusted interconnection and value interconnection in the Web3.0 era has laid the foundation for the development of Web3.0. With the development of Web3.0, blockchain technology itself is also continuing to develop. There are more and more researches on the integration and innovative development of blockchain technology with big data, artificial intelligence, metaverse, Internet of Things and privacy computing. In this context, the basic principles and characteristics of Web3.0 and blockchain technology are first explained, focusing on the decentralization, traceability and non-tampering characteristics of blockchain, and then an overview of the relationship between blockchain and The advantages of the integrated innovation and development of big data, artificial intelligence, metaverse, Internet of Things and privacy computing are analyzed.The standardization construction situation and future work prospects of the integrated innovation and development of blockchain technology under Web3.0 are analyzed.
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