Konzeption und Entwicklung eines Flipped Classroom-basierten Online-Softwarekurses für Medizinstatistik

GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie(2024)

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Teaching medical statistics for students of human medicine should include both theoretical content as well as its implementation in practice using statistical software. The training period with a software may be time-consuming individually, so there is a risk that imparting methodological skills comes up short in such courses. The flipped classroom concept aims at students to familiarize themselves with both the statistical software and the theoretical content in an individual learning phase prior to the course. Then, within an attendance course deepening both aspects under the lecturer’s supervision is possible. Availability of the software as well as a variety of material to prepare the course are essential presumptions for the flipped classroom to be successful. We present the concept and implementation of an online flipped classroom course using the software SAS Studio. Students used their own devices (laptops or tablets) during the self-learning and examination phases, respectively. The pure online implementation in the flipped classroom setting enabled to contribute to an equalisation of the study plan. Moreover, even more students had the opportunity to participate in this practically oriented course in medical statistics. Initial evaluation results demonstrated that the course is well-accepted among students, while the students’ performance level was similar when compared to a non-flipped teaching approach.
teaching statistics,flipped classroom,statistical software
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