One-pot strategy for the preparation of nanoparticles grafted with bimodal polymers: An in-silico insight

Jinyuan Mao,Jiajia Zhou,Hong Liu

Composites Science and Technology(2024)

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Polymer nanocomposites composed of polymer-grafted nanoparticles (NPs) have garnered significant interest due to their diverse functional applications in various domains. The emerging concept of bimodal polymer brushes within the grafting-nanoparticle framework offers control over interfacial entropic and enthalpic interactions. Here, we introduce a novel one-pot strategy that integrates “grafting-to” and “grafting-from” methods to create polymer-grafted bimodal NPs. Utilizing coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations with a stochastic reaction model, we explore the factors influencing grafting density and polydispersity in these NPs. Our findings demonstrate that this one-pot strategy achieves a polydispersity similar to the two-step “grafting-from then grafting-to” process, while attaining a moderate grafting density comparable to the “grafting-to then grafting-from” approach. Consequently, we analyze factors such as “grafting-from” reaction rates, and initial feeding ratios, step-addition techniques which collectively influence the final grafting density and polydispersity index within this one-pot strategy. This comprehensive investigation enhances our understanding of the kinetics behind synthesizing bimodal polymer-grafted NPs and offers insights for designing polymer-based nanocomposites with improved performance.
Nanocomposites,Bimodal polymer,Grafting-to & grafting-from,One-pot strategy,Computer simulation
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