
Rotation in Attosecond Vibronic Coherence Spectroscopy for Molecules

Communications physics(2024)

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Excitation or ionization of a molecule by ultrafast laser pulses can create a superposition of electronic states, whose dynamics is influenced by the interplay of electronic coherence and nuclear motion, resulting in charge migration and possibly charge transfer. Probing the vibronic coherence is therefore vital to monitoring electronic dynamics and controlling chemical reactivity, as recently demonstrated in molecules via attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy (ATAS). However, theories supporting the interpretation of ATAS experiments neglect the effects of molecular rotation, often leading to inaccurate interpretation of experimental data. Here, we develop a comprehensive theory for ATAS of molecules encompassing the entire pump-probe process. Applying the theory to N2, we demonstrate that the emergence of coherent signals critically depends on the consideration of molecular rotation. This work contributes to close the gap between theory and ATAS experiments, paving the way for monitoring electronic motion and controlling chemical reactivity in diverse molecular systems. Attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy (ATAS) is a powerful scheme for monitoring the vibronic coherences that enables real-time observation of electronic motion, but the role of molecular rotation is usually neglected. The authors propose a theory fully accounting for molecular rotation in ATAS, closing the gap between theory and ATAS experiments.
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