Acute stress differentially alters reward-related decision making and inhibitory control under threat of punishment

Giulio Laino Chiavegatti,Stan B. Floresco

Neurobiology of Stress(2024)

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Acute stress has various effects on cognition, executive function and certain forms of cost/benefit decision making. Recent studies in rodents indicate that acute stress differentially alters reward-related decisions involving particular types of costs and slows choice latencies. Yet, how stress alters decisions where rewards are linked to punishment is less clear. We examined how 1 h restraint stress, followed by behavioral testing 10 min later altered action-selection on two tasks involving reward-seeking under threat of punishment in well-trained male and female rats. One study used a risky decision-making task involving choice between a small/safe reward and a large/risky one that could coincide with shock, delivered with a probability that increased over blocks of trials. Stress increased risk aversion and punishment sensitivity, reducing preference for the larger/risky reward, while increasing decision latencies and trial omissions in both sexes, when rats were teste. A second study used a “behavioral control” task, requiring inhibition of approach towards a readily available reward associated with punishment. Here, food pellets were delivered over discrete trials, half of which coincided with a 12 s audiovisual cue, signalling that reward retrieval prior to cue termination would deliver shock. Stress exerted sex- and timing-dependent effects on inhibitory control. Males became more impulsive and received more shocks on the stress test, whereas females were unaffected on the stress test, and were actually less impulsive when tested 24 h later. None of the effects of restraint stress were recapitulated by systemic treatment with physiological doses of corticosterone. These findings suggest acute stress induces qualitatively distinct and sometimes sex-dependent effects on punished reward-seeking that are critically dependent on whether animals must either choose between different actions or withhold them to obtain rewards and avoid punishment.
Decision making,Reward,punishment restraint,Corticosterone,Sex-differences
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