
Revisiting M -Shell Binding Energies for Elements with 72 ≤Z≤ 83

Physical review A/Physical review, A(2024)

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Experimental M (4) and M (5 )cross-section curves of some sixth -period elements were observed to exhibit an abnormal crossover above 20 keV, when the M (5) binding energy is taken from the most commonly used databases available in the literature for the assessment of absorption effects [Aguilar, Castellano, Segui, Trincavelli, and Carreras, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 38 , 751 (2023)]. This clearly suggests the need for a revision of the published binding -energy values [Bearden and Burr, Rev. Mod. Phys. 39 , 125 (1967); Larkins, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 20 , 311 (1977)]. The self-absorption effects of the M beta line and of bremsstrahlung in an energy region close to the M (5) binding energy were analyzed by using energy and wavelength dispersive spectroscopy, respectively. An important inconsistency in the x-ray absorption was found when assessed accordingly with the literature, which led to shift the M (5) -edge positions of Re, Os, Ir, and Pt. In the particular case of rhenium, theoretical calculations have been performed to assess M binding energies. To this end, the many -electron Dirac equation was numerically solved to estimate the configuration energies associated with M (5) one -vacancy states. The binding energies obtained are consistent with the present experimental results, and with the most widely accepted characteristic -energy values.
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