Research on China’s regional carbon quota allocation based on the entropy weight-TOPSIS method and CRITIC-VIKOR model

Environment, Development and Sustainability(2024)

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Carbon trading policy is an essential market-oriented emission reduction tool for achieving China’s carbon goals. Developing a reasonable and feasible initial carbon quota allocation plan is the key to the effective operation of carbon trading policy. In this article, a multi-principle indicator system based on fairness, efficiency, feasibility, and sustainable development is constructed using panel data from 2005 to 2019 at the provincial and eight primary economic region levels. The carbon quota allocation scheme uses the Entropy Weight TOPSIS method, the CRITIC-VIKOR, and the combination allocation models. The research results indicate significant differences in carbon emissions among different provinces and regions, and constructing a more objective and comprehensive carbon emission allocation indicator system is the key to whether the carbon emission allocation is reasonable. Then, there are significant differences in the allocation results of different allocation models. Through comparative analysis of model results, it can be seen that the combination allocation model has a good allocation effect. Meanwhile, analyzing the allocation of regional carbon quotas makes it possible to accurately identify the degrees of surplus and deficit in eight regions. This is conducive to improving the rationality of carbon quota allocation and reducing the relative exploitation between regions. This study is conducive to achieving a reasonable allocation of regional carbon quotas. It helps promote the smooth operation of the national unified carbon market and achieve the overall carbon emission reduction target.
Carbon trading,Carbon quota allocation,Entropy weight TOPSIS,CRITIC-VIKOR,Combination allocation
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