Personalized Federated Learning for Spatio-Temporal Forecasting: A Dual Semantic Alignment-Based Contrastive Approach


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The existing federated learning (FL) methods for spatio-temporal forecasting fail to capture the inherent spatio-temporal heterogeneity, which calls for personalized FL (PFL) methods to model the spatio-temporally variant patterns. While contrastive learning approach is promising in addressing spatio-temporal heterogeneity, the existing methods are noneffective in determining negative pairs and can hardly apply to PFL paradigm. To tackle this limitation, we propose a novel PFL method, named Federated dUal sEmantic aLignment-based contraStive learning (FUELS), which can adaptively align positive and negative pairs based on semantic similarity, thereby injecting precise spatio-temporal heterogeneity into the latent representation space by auxiliary contrastive tasks. From temporal perspective, a hard negative filtering module is introduced to dynamically align heterogeneous temporal representations for the supplemented intra-client contrastive task. From spatial perspective, we design lightweight-but-efficient prototypes as client-level semantic representations, based on which the server evaluates spatial similarity and yields client-customized global prototypes for the supplemented inter-client contrastive task. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FUELS outperforms state-of-the-art methods, with communication cost decreasing by around 94
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