
Complexity Enhancement and Grid Basin of Attraction in a Locally Active Memristor-Based Multi-Cavity Map

Chaos, solitons & fractals/Chaos, solitons and fractals(2024)

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The complexity of memristive chaotic systems determines whether it is suitable for applications in different subjects. To enhance complexity both in performance and diversity, this article first proposes a discrete model of locally active memristor (LAM) and conceives a three-dimensional memristive multi-cavity map by coupling LAM with the existing sine and cosine modulation (SCM) map. This map is named LAM-SCM map and has numerous independent fixed points with different stabilities. Numerical simulations reveal the memristive parameters-relied lossless displacement and self-shift of multi-cavity attractors, indicating the dynamical effects of LAM on the existing SCM map. The initial-relied dynamics distributions are disclosed by grid basins of attraction, showing the emergence of initial-boosting coexistence. Besides, the performance comparisons verify the superiority of LAM-SCM map over the existing SCM map. Finally, a hardware platform has been developed on FPGA to implement the LAM-SCM map and the captured attractors validate the numerical results. On this basis, we devise a 32-bit pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) based on chaos and implement it on the FPGA-based hardware platform to obtain high-speed and reconfigurable pseudorandom numbers. The results show that the proposed map has enhanced chaos complexity and rich dynamics diversity, which ensures the availability of hardware PRNG.
Locally active memristor,Multi -cavity attractor,Grid basin of attraction,Pseudorandom number generator,Hardware implementation
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