Secure Access Control of Cloud Data Using DNA Computing

2024 IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (IC2PCT)(2024)

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With the exponential development in the usage of cloud data storage across a variety of applications, developing effective access control measures to secure sensitive user data has become critical. This research presents a unique way to use deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) computing to improve multi-factor authentication enforcement and real-time access controls in cloud storage systems. A synthetic, engineered DNA framework is intended to reliably tie user identification characteristics to randomly produced nucleic acid credentials. After multimodal encrypted biometric authentication, the system provides these DNA access tokens. They may be validated via fast polymerase cycling to enable selective decryption and, eventually, manage allowed actions on stored cloud data based on fine-grained, attributes-based access policies. The method makes revocation happen by using programmable nucleases to quickly remove access rights from DNA structures that are waiting to be used. Rigorous cryptanalysis outperforms current access paradigms in terms of robustness to both brute force and side channel assaults. With significant developments in DNA synthesis and sequencing technologies allowing for scale deployment, bio-cryptographic access control provides a strong method for improving cloud data security via DNA computing. The system greatly increases the obstacles to unwanted data access while protecting user privacy. This study is a pioneering analysis of organizing principles in biologic data processing systems to solve key data security concerns posed by growing cloud use across commercial and public sector enterprises.
DNA Computing,Cloud Data Security,Access Control,Multi-factor Authentication,DNA Cryptography
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