
Adipokine (Adiponectin-Rs1501299) Gene Variant and Patient Characteristics in Relation to Metabolic-associated Fatty Liver Disease

Amal A. Mohamed,Soha Hassanin,Ahmed A. Mohamed,Dalia Zaafar,Rasha Mohamed,Mohamed B. Hassan, Al-Shaymaa A. Hassanin, Eman Alsayed Abouahmad,Mohamed A. Sakr,Soha M. Abd el Salam, Reem A. M. Abdelghafour,Nashwa M. Muharram,Marwa K. Darwish, Saadia Faried, Karmia Nasraldin,Wael Hafez

Journal of clinical and experimental hepatology(2024)

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Background: Several genetic and metabolic variables, most notably the variation in the adipokine gene rs1501298, have been linked to metabolic-associated fatty liver disease etiopathogenesis (MAFLD). Liver biopsy, the gold standard for diagnosing MAFLD, is an invasive procedure; therefore, alternative diagnostic methods are required. Consequently, the integration of these metabolic variables with some of the patients ' characteristics may facilitate the development of noninvasive diagnostic methods that aid in the early detection of MAFLD, identi fi cation of at -risk individuals and planning of management strategies. Metbods: This study included 224 Egyptians (107 healthy individuals and 117 MAFLD patients). Age, sex, BMI, clinical and laboratory characteristics, and rs1501299 adipokine gene polymorphisms were examined. The rs1501299 variant, insulin resistance, hypertension, obesity, blood pressure, lipid pro fi le, hemoglobin A1C level, and hepatic fi brosis predictors were evaluated for MAFLD risk. The feasibility and effectiveness of developing non-invasive MAFLD diagnostic models will be investigated. Results: The +276G/T (rs1501299) polymorphism (GG vs GT/TT) was linked with MAFLD (OR: 0.43, CI: 0.26 - 0.69, P = 0.002). The GG variants had lower MAFLD rates than those of the GT and TT variants. In addition to altered lipid pro fi les, patients with MAFLD showed increased gammaglutamyl transferase levels (GGT: 56 IU/L vs. 36 IU/L). Genetic diversity also affects the accuracy of hepatic fi brosis and steatosis prediction. Hepatic fi brosis and steatosis predictors had receiver operating characteristic (ROC) AUCs of 0.529%, 0.846%, and 0.700 - 0.825%, respectively. We examined a diagnostic model based on these variables and demonstrated its effectiveness. Conclusion: The Adipokine variant rs1501299 increased the risk of
metabolic metabolic-associated fatty liver disease,adipokine gene polymorphism,hepatic indices,metabolic syndrome
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