
Near Fundamental Limit Performance of Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells with Anti-Reflective Coating Integration

Results in Optics(2024)

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The reported power conversion efficiency (PCE) of single-junction perovskite solar cells (PSCs) has increased rapidly to over 26 %. Promoting the PSC's device performance to approach its fundamental efficiency limit of over 30 % requires mitigating optical and recombination losses. In this work, we examine the performance of MAPbI(3)-based inverted p-i-n PSCs with the aid of a numerical device simulator (OghmaNano version 8.0.038). The simulator considers the thickness and charge carrier mobilities of the device's photoactive layer and band-to-band recombination of the PSC devices. We reveal that maximum efficiency as high as 28.4 % can be expected for optimized single-junction MAPbI(3)-based PSC with an active layer thickness of 950 nm, charge carrier mobility of 71 cm(2)V(-1)s(-1) and a recombination rate constant <1 x 10(-11) cm(3)s(-1). However, the simulated efficiency is still below the fundamental efficiency limit as we assume a flat device that allows optical loss from reflection. Therefore, we introduce single and double layers of anti-reflective coatings (SL-ARC and DL-ARC) to enhance the PV performance further. It was found that the inclusion of PMMA-based SL-ARC with a thickness of 70 nm could push the PCE values up to 29.7 %. By inserting another layer of ARC with a lower refractive index after the PMMA layer, we could further push the PCE. As a result, the PMMA/PDMS DL-ARC -based PSCs are predicted to have a PCE of over 30 %. Our work showcases guidelines for designing inverted perovskite solar cells with efficiency near its fundamental limit..
inverted PSC,OghmaNano,Numerical device simulation,Charge carrier-mobility,Efficiency limit,Anti-reflective coating
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