
State-resolved Modeling of Electronic Excitation in Weakly Ionized Oxygen Mixtures

Physical review E(2024)

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Electronic excitation and ionization in oxygen-argon mixtures are analyzed using a three-temperature electronic state-resolved model and evaluated using recent experimental data from reflected shock experiments. A detailed description of the model formulation and parameter selection is provided. Excellent agreement is obtained between model predictions and experimental measurements of O_{2} number density during dissociation in mixtures of 2%-5% O_{2} dilute in argon. Next, electron number density measurements are leveraged to infer a rate constant for the heavy particle impact excitation of argon, facilitating improved modeling of net ionization and a clearer understanding of the electronic excitation kinetics of oxygen. The electronic state-resolved model is then assessed using measured data for three electronic states of atomic oxygen. The model successfully reproduces the multistage behavior observed in the measured time histories and yields new insights into the multistage behavior that revises previous interpretations. For several experiments, the modeling choices involved in the calculation of escape factors significantly influence the predicted time histories. A global sensitivity analysis considering nearly 300 parameters is then conducted to identify which model parameters most sensitively influence the predicted excited state populations. Excitation of the measured states from the metastable levels and collisional excitation between the three measured states are important across all conditions. The excited state populations demonstrate complex sensitivities involving a large number of collisional and radiative processes, highlighting the importance of adopting a detailed modeling approach when interpreting excited state measurements.
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