
Biochar Polymer Composites for Wastewater Treatment

Yashar Aryanfar,Jorge Luis García Alcaraz,Ali Keçebaş, Julio Blanco Fernandez, Zahra Houshmand Neghabi, Afsana Mammadova,Abdallah Bouabidi,Mohamed M. Awad

Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering(2024)

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Biochar polymer composites represent a burgeoning innovation in wastewater treatment, offering a blend of efficiency and sustainability. These composites combine biochar, a highly porous, carbon-rich material derived from organic waste, with polymers such as polyvinyl alcohol or polyacrylamide. This combination yields a material with enhanced properties compared to biochar alone, including increased adsorption capacity, improved mechanical strength, and greater durability. The composites excel in removing a wide range of contaminants from wastewater, such as heavy metals, organic compounds, and nutrients, owing to the high surface area and porosity of the biochar. This structure allows biochar to function as a sponge and effectively absorb pollutants. The addition of polymers to the composite not only stabilizes the structure but also amplifies its ability to treat wastewater more efficiently. In addition to their immediate application in wastewater treatment, biochar–polymer composites offer a sustainable and low-cost solution. The production of biochar from various waste streams, including agricultural residues, forestry waste, and municipal solid waste, reduces waste disposal costs and lowers greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, the post-treatment use of biochar as a soil amendment can enhance soil fertility and promote carbon sequestration, adding another layer of environmental benefits. In summary, biochar polymer composites have emerged as a promising, cost-effective, and eco-friendly approach for wastewater treatment. With their potential for diverse applications and benefits extending beyond wastewater treatment, these composites are at the forefront of future sustainable environmental management solutions.
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