
Optical Ground Station Oberpfaffenhofen Next Generation: first satellite link tests with 80 cm telescope and AO system

Johannes Prell, Alexandru Duliu,Reeves Andrew, Ilija Hristovski,Shrestha Amita,Florian Moll,Christian Fuchs

2023 IEEE International Conference on Space Optical Systems and Applications (ICSOS)(2023)

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Satellite-based laser communication technology, both classical and QKD (Quantum Key Distribution) is gaining popularity and being increasingly commercialized. DLR (German Aerospace Center) had a big scientific focus on this field of research at the Institute of Communication and Navigation since many years. This led to building the new Optical Ground Station Oberpfaffenhofen Next Generation (OGSOP-NG). It includes an 80 cm receiving telescope, Uplink-Beacons, a Coudé-Path and an adaptive Optics system. Additional external instruments were installed to characterize and exanimate both, the ground station and the overall (down-) link conditions.It was the intention of DLR to build a station supports multiple usage scenarios for different Free Space Optical Communication setups and is easily adaptable to new upcoming requirements and technologies.This paper will give an overview of the design of the new optical ground station, as well as the commissioning phase leading towards several successful experimental link campaigns from low orbit satellites up to geostationary once. It will show all the different subsystems which are necessary for establishing and analyze a successful link between a laser terminal on a satellite and the ground station.
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