
Accurate Prediction of Aging Effects on Microstructure Evolution and Related Mechanical Strength of Mg-Zn Alloys Via Multiscale Simulations

Computational materials science(2024)

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Age strengthening is a common method to achieve superior mechanical properties employed in magnesium (Mg) alloys. However, the experimental approaches to examine the aging effects on mechanical properties are primarily based on trial and error, posing challenges for the design and development of high-strength Mg alloys. A promising solution to address this challenge is to establish an accurate prediction model for the aging effects on Mg alloys, covering the evolution of microstructure and corresponding mechanical properties. This paper introduces a multiscale simulation approach to accurately predict the aging effects on the Mg-2.3Zn (at.%) alloy. To begin, we establish a phase field model to simulate the microstructure evolution at 150 degree celsius, demonstrating precipitate growth during aging in alignment with experimental observations. Secondly, based on the microstructures obtained from phase field simulations, the corresponding yield strength is determined through finite element method simulations. The simulation successfully captures the peak-aged behavior of yield strength during aging, resulting in a yield strength of 167 MPa at the peak-aged state, with a deviation of less than 5 % from experimental results. In-depth analysis indicates that the peak value of total yield strength arises from the interplay between solid solution strengthening and precipitate strengthening. Furthermore, precipitate strengthening reaches a peak value at a specific aging time, deviating from the total yield strength. This deviation is primarily attributed to the effect of precipitate size on shear strengthening during aging. This study presents a general method for predicting the microstructure evolution and corresponding mechanical properties of alloys through multiscale simulations, offering valuable insights for designing and predicting the performance of metallic alloys.
Magnesium alloys,Phase field,Finite element model,Yield strength,Precipitate strengthening
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