
Impact of Advanced Engine Technologies on Energy Consumption Reduction Potentials

SAE Technical Paper Series(2024)

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The establishment of Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards by the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) of 1975 marked a pivotal moment in the automotive industry's pursuit of greater fuel efficiency. The responsibility for the development and enforcement of these standards was assigned to the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) assuming a critical role in their oversight and implementation. In collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne), supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), significant strides have been made in advancing fuel efficiency through the development of Autonomie, a leading full-vehicle simulation tool. Through an Inter-Agency Agreement between the DOE Argonne Site Office and Argonne, comprehensive full-vehicle simulations are conducted to support NHTSA's CAFE rulemaking processes. This paper introduces an innovative approach to CAFE standards development, emphasizing large-scale simulation processes that encompass standard regulatory driving cycles, diverse vehicle classes, and various time frames. At the core of this approach lies Autonomie's capability to integrate advanced engine technologies tailored to specific vehicle classes and powertrains, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of their impact on fuel economy. By customizing simulations to mirror real-world conditions across different vehicle types, the research provides nuanced insights crucial for effective CAFE standards development and implementation. Furthermore, the paper delves into the reductions in energy consumption across diverse vehicle powertrains, offering a comprehensive analysis of the potential for fuel efficiency improvements. Insights gained from this in-depth analysis contribute valuable knowledge to the ongoing pursuit of sustainable transportation solutions. This collaborative effort exemplifies a commitment to advancing understanding in vehicle dynamics, energy usage, and technology performance through large-scale simulations, ultimately fostering informed decision-making for a more sustainable automotive future.
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