Solvable models of two-level systems coupled to itinerant electrons: Robust non-Fermi liquid and quantum critical pairing


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Strange metal behavior is traditionally associated with an underlying putative quantum critical point at zero temperature. However, in many correlated metals, e.g., high-Tc cuprate superconductors, strange metallicity persists at low temperatures over an extended range of microscopic parameters, suggesting the existence of an underlying quantum critical phase, whose possible physical origins remain poorly understood. Systematic investigations of physical scenarios giving rise to such a critical, non-Fermi liquid (NFL) phase are therefore crucial to better understand this puzzling behavior. In a previous work [Bashan et al. arXiv:2310.07768], we considered a solvable large-N model consisting of itinerant electrons coupled to local two-level systems (TLSs) via spatially random interactions, inspired by the possibility of emergent metallic glassiness due to frustrated competing orders, and found that the system hosts an NFL phase with tunable exponents at intermediate couplings. In this work, we expand our investigation to the following: (i) We study the extent to which this NFL phase is generic by considering various deformations of our theory, including coupling of electrons to multiple operators of the TLSs and arbitrarily directed TLS-fields. We find that the physical picture obtained in Bashan et al. qualitatively persist in a wide region of parameter space, showcasing the robustness of the NFL phase; (ii) We analyze the superconducting instability due to coupling of TLSs to electrons, and find a rich structure, including quantum critical pairing associated with the NFL phase and conventional BCS pairing in the weak and strong coupling limits; (iii) We elaborate on the analysis of Bashan et al., including single-particle, transport and thermodynamic properties.
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