
Preserving Historical Significance: HBIM Implementation for The East Hall of Bandung Institute of Technology

2023 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote Sensing Technology (AGERS)(2023)

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This research proposes and implements the HBIM model for the ITB East Hall. The HBIM approach combines BIM principles with the unique needs associated with preserving historic buildings. Through detailed mapping and modeling of the building, architectural elements, and building characteristics, HBIM enabled the creation of an accurate and rich digital representation of the physical condition and history of the East Hall. The research methodology involves 3D scanning mapping using the latest laser scanning technology to obtain precise geometric data. The data is then integrated into a BIM software environment, where a three-dimensional building model is generated. Additional information, such as historical changes, materials, and historical construction methods, is also integrated into the HBIM model. This research results in an HBIM model that provides a holistic and accurate digital representation of the ITB East Hall. These models can serve as an important source of information for building preservation, maintenance, and management purposes. HBIM models can also be a valuable educational tool, allowing users to interactively explore the history and architectural complexity of buildings. By applying the HBIM approach to the ITB East Hall, this research provides a real example of how BIM technology can be adapted to preserve cultural heritage buildings. This opens opportunities for similar applications in other cultural heritage buildings, bridging the gap between modern technology and valuable cultural heritage.
HBIM,Integrated,3D Modelling,Mapping,Heritage Building
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