
Possible New Histological Prognostic Index for Aggressive Mature T-cell Lymphoma (TCL Urayasu Classification)— a Brief Review of the Literature on the Functional Proteins Involved in Refractory Hematologic Malignancy—


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Aggressive mature T-cell lymphoma (TCL) is a disease that carries a poor prognosis. The mechanism, at the functional protein level, of the resistance to therapy of TCL has not yet been well clarified. To comprehensively clarify the mechanism, we first reviewed the literature, as mentioned in the Introduction section, on 22 types of representative functional proteins reported as being potentially associated with treatment resistance, mainly in hematologic tumors. Next, we retrospectively analyzed the tumor cell expressions of these 22 functional proteins in 16 randomly selected patients with TCL who had received CHOP (cyclophosphamide, hydroxyl doxorubicin, oncovin, and prednisolone) therapy as first-line treatment. As a result, we propose a new three-group prognostic classification of TCL (the TCL Urayasu Classification) based on the mechanism of resistance to treatment of these tumors. The study subjects included 7 patients (44%) with peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified (PTCL-NOS), 6 patients (38%) with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL), and 3 patients (19%) with anaplastic large T-cell lymphoma (ALCL). Immunohistochemistry was performed in paraffin-embedded tumor tissue sections prepared from these patients as antigens using antibodies against the 22 previously reported treatment-resistance-related proteins to determine the tumor cell expression statuses of these proteins. Log-rank test was performed to compare the overall survival (OS) after CHOP therapy of the patients showing positive and negative immunostaining for these proteins, as well as among patients grouped based on other factors. Overall, the median OS of the TCL patients was about 33.5 months. When compared by the disease type, the prognosis was found to be worse in the order of ALCL, AITL, and PTCL. A multivariate analysis showed that expression of glucose-regulated protein 94 (GRP94), a protein that serves as a pro-survival component under endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in the tumor microenvironment, was significantly associated with shortened survival. No significant difference was observed for the conventional poor prognostic factors: high-risk International Prognostic Index (IPI) and high-risk Prognostic Index for peripheral T-cell lymphoma, unspecified (PTCL-U) (PIT). However, when GRP94 was combined with six other factors, listed below, as survival-shortening factors, significant differences were observed. The 6 factors were 1) programmed cell death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) and 2) programmed cell death 1 (PD-1), which are involved in immune surveillance; 3) aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C3 (AKR1C3), which is an enzyme that inactivates HO (hydroxyl doxorubicin [H] and oncovin [O]) of CHOP; 4) P53, a tumor suppressor; 5) Glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78), an ER stress protein; 6) thymidine phosphorylase (TP), which is an enzyme involved in thymidine catabolism. Based on the combination of GRP94 and the six other factors expressed in the tumors, we propose a new prognostic classification system for TCL (TCL Urayasu classification). Group 1 (group with a relatively good prognosis): GRP94-negative (n = 6; median OS, 88 months; p < 0.01); Group 2 (group with a poor prognosis): GRP94-positive, plus expression of 2 of the 6 aforementioned factors (n = 5; median OS, 25 months; p > 0.05); and Group 3 (group with a very poor prognosis): GRP94-positive, plus expression of at least 3 of the 6 aforementioned factors (n = 5; median OS, 10 months; p < 0.01). Thus, the TCL Urayasu prognostic classification is a simple, useful, and innovative classification that also explains the mechanism of resistance to treatment for each functional protein. Accumulation of more cases and further analyses are expected in the future to enable clinical application, such as use of a stratified treatment approach and treatment using inhibitors.
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