
Healthier at work for longer? Trends in life years free of cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases in the employed and general population based on health insurance claims data

Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz(2024)

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Background Our study focuses on the development of disease-free life years of two disease groups with high public health relevance: musculoskeletal diseases (MSD) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Against the backdrop of prolonged working lives, the development of disease-free life years in the working-age population is compared with the trend in the employed population. Differences between occupational groups are also examined. Methods The study is based on data from the statutory health insurance provider AOK Lower Saxony (N = 2,001,225). Incident cases were identified based on the diagnosis data. The expected years free of MSD and CVD were calculated using multistate life table analysis for three periods between 2006 and 2018. The occupational group is identified via the occupational key. Three groups are distinguished: unskilled and semi-skilled workers, skilled workers and specialists, and highly skilled workers. Results Life years free of MSD clearly decreased in the general population and among the employed population. The decrease was strongest in the higher-skilled occupational groups. Life years free of CVD increased in the general population. The increase was weaker among the employed population. The only occupational group showing increases were men in unskilled and semi-skilled occupations. Discussion The study shows that disease-free life years among employed persons developed in some cases worse than in the general population. For the analysed disease groups MSD and CVD, there are clear inequalities between occupational groups, which decreased somewhat over time. The inequalities and the decrease in years free of MSD highlight the high public health relevance and the need for effective prevention strategies to prevent CVD and MSD in working age.
Musculoskeletal diseases,Cardiovascular diseases,Disease-free life expectancy,Occupational inequalities,Health insurance claims data
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