
Analysis and control of split-source current-type inverter for grid-connected applications

Alexandria Engineering Journal(2024)

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Current source inverters (CSIs) have been widely used for renewable energy sources integration with the utility grid. However, traditional CSIs provide only voltage-boost power conversion, which can be considered a limitation for grid-interfacing applications when consistent tracking of a widely varying input voltage is necessary. Hence, an additional front-end converter is usually utilized in an attempt to step down the input source voltage. Nevertheless, adding the dc-dc bucking stage would reduce the system reliability and its overall efficiency, increase the converter cost, and complicate the control scheme. In order to address the aforementioned shortcomings, this paper proposes a novel three-phase single-stage inverter, suitable for low-power applications, called split-source current-type inverter (SSCTI). The proposed converter can achieve high current boosting capability with lower component count and high-quality output current in comparison with other single-stage topologies. In addition, it utilizes the conventional modulation scheme of the CSI, while maintaining low current stresses on the inverter switches. Comprehensive analysis, modelling, and closed-loop control scheme of the proposed converter are developed. Also, a comparison between the proposed topology and several single-stage topologies is carried out. Moreover, an experimental prototype is built to validate the proposed converter analysis under steady-state operation and different transient scenarios.
Current source inverter (CSI),Renewable energy sources,Single-stage converter,State space averaging,Space vector modulation,Split-source inverter
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