A PTM-Based Framework for Enhanced User Requirement Classification in Product Design


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Accurately identifying and classifying customer requirements is crucial for successful product design. However, traditional methods for requirement classification, such as Kano models based on questionnaires, can be time-consuming and may not capture all requirements accurately. Analyzing large volumes of user reviews using simple natural language processing techniques can also result in accuracy issues. To address these challenges, we propose a framework that combines pre-trained models (PTMs), Kano models, and the sentiment analysis technique. Our approach integrates an LDA-K-Means model enhanced by PTM ERNIE for pinpointing product feature topics within user reviews. Then, a sentiment analysis is performed using the fine-tuned PTM SKEP to assess user satisfaction with features. Finally, the Kano model is applied to perform requirement classification. We evaluate our framework quantitatively, demonstrating its superior performance compared to the baseline models. Our sentiment analysis model also outperforms the other baseline models. Moreover, a case study on smartphones illustrates the effectiveness of our framework. This research results suggest that leveraging a suitable PTM can better address the problem of requirement classification in user review analyses, leading to improved product design.
user requirement classification,product design,pre-trained models,Kano,SKEP
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