Chemical Quality of Chhana Spread Prepared from Cow Milk Using Herbal Coagulants

Vikash Kumar Verma, Ramjee Gupta, Vikash Kumar, Rahul Tiwari, . Kuldeep,Sandeep Kumar

Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology(2024)

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The current study was carried out at the C.S.A. University of Agriculture and Technology Kanpur's department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (Dairy Technology). Chhana spread is a popular acid coagulated milk product has fairly high nutritional value. Its mild acidic flavour, soft body and smooth texture make it highly suitable for consumption. In the experiment, chhana spread was made with cow milk with three different coagulant agents (aonla extract, lemon extract, and ginger extract), two different water-herbal coagulant ratios (90:10 and 80:20), and two different storage periods (0 and 10 days) at 5°C refrigeration temperature. Moisture, Fat, Protein, Lactose, and Ash are five chemical characteristics. The chemical quality of chhana spread made from cow milk utilising herbal coagulants was shown to be better than other spreads after a fresh day storage period, according to the study.
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