Emerging role of Jumonji domain-containing protein D3 (JMJD3) in inflammatory diseases

Xiang Li, Ru-Yi Chen, Jin-Jin Shi,Chang-Yun Li,Yan-Jun Liu, Chang Gao, Ming-Rong Gao,Shun Zhang,Jian-Fei Lu,Jia-Feng Cao,Guan-Jun Yang,Jiong Chen

Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis(2024)

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Jumonji domain-containing protein D3 (JMJD3) is a 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase that specifically removes transcriptional repression marks di- and tri-methylated groups from lysine 27 on histone 3 (H3K27me2/3). The erasure of these marks leads to the activation of some associated genes, thereby influencing various biological processes, such as development, differentiation, and immune response. However, comprehensive descriptions regarding the relationship between JMJD3 and inflammation are lacking. Here, we provide a comprehensive overview of JMJD3, including its structure, functions, and involvement in inflammatory pathways. In addition, we summarize the evidence supporting JMJD3’s role in several inflammatory diseases, as well as the potential therapeutic applications of JMJD3 inhibitors. Additionally, we also discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with investigating the functions of JMJD3 and developing targeted inhibitors and propose feasible solutions to provide valuable insights into the functional exploration and discovery of potential drugs targeting JMJD3 for inflammatory diseases.
JMJD3,Inflammation,Histone demethylation,Inhibitor
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