
Pectin-based Emulsion Gels Prepared by Acidic and Ionotropic Methods for Intestinal Targeted Delivery in Vitro

Food hydrocolloids(2024)

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Considering the different potential roles of the small intestine and colon in the functions of bioactive components, this study was performed to design a pectin-based controlled delivery system targeting different intestinal sections according to emulsification gelation methods (i.e., pectin gelated with acidified ethanol, iron, and calcium: PE-H, PE-Fe, and PE-Ca, respectively). The properties and targeted delivery of pectin-based emulsion gels were compared. All emulsion gels exhibited similar diameter and acceptable roundness with naringin encapsulation efficiency of approximately 90%. Cross-sections of PE-H, PE-Fe, and PE-Ca exhibited loose networks, large voids, and dense structures, resulting in diverse time dependence during digestion. Furthermore, PE-Ca showed the fastest completion of gelation and exhibited excellent hardness properties, suggesting that it would have the strongest anti-digestive effect. PE-Fe showed time- and pH-dependent swelling behavior in simulated intestinal fluid. Simulated digestion experiments indicated burst release and slow release of naringin from PE-H and PE-Fe, respectively, due to their differences in pH responsiveness and time dependence; a similar amount of naringin was released from PE-Ca after enzyme-triggered digestion in simulated colon fluid. Overall, distinct emulsion gels achieved targeted disintegration in intestinal sites. PE-H and PE-Fe would contribute to the rapid and sustained release of naringin in the small intestine, respectively, whereas PE-Ca would contribute to naringin release in the colon. These findings provide new insights for the future design of specific delivery systems that can be used in the functional food industry; they indicate the robust potential for including pectin in emulsion-based foods with targeted functions.
pectin,emulsion gel,gelation method,characterization,targeted delivery
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