Palliative Oncology: Patient Outcomes and Lessons Learned from a Novel Criteria-based Inpatient Consult Service

Jonathan Yeh, Kathleen A. Lee, Kathryn Norman, Abigail Escobar, Nancy Raines,Laura E. Dodge, Mary K. Buss

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management(2024)

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Outcomes 1. Through structured discussion with our team's recent service chiefs, participants will be able to describe strategic program development lessons and challenges encountered during the creation of a criteria-based palliative care consultation service.2. Upon successful completion, participants will be able to evaluate how a criteria-based inpatient palliative care service affected care utilization and end-of-life quality outcomes for patients with advanced cancer. Key Message We created an embedded, criteria-based, inpatient palliative care (PC) consult service as a pragmatic step toward improving PC integration at our cancer center. Despite significant implementation challenges during the COVID pandemic, the service was associated with earlier, more frequent PC exposure, decreased end-of-life care intensity, and longer hospice length-of-stay. Introduction/Context Recognizing the importance of earlier PC, we designed and implemented a novel “Palliative Oncology” consultation service in inpatient oncology with an enhanced role for social work (SW) and chaplaincy. Objectives Describe Palliative Oncology service; report pre/post end-of-life quality outcomes; reflect on lessons learned from implementation. Methods We embedded a specialist PC team on the oncology floor: 1 physician, 1 nurse practitioner, 2 SW, and 2 chaplains. Admitted patients were screened for two referral criteria: 1) advanced/metastatic solid cancer, or 2) moderate/severe symptoms. The oncology team was informed of patients meeting criteria; referrals remained at discretion of the oncology team. Through chart review, we compared outcomes of decedents admitted before (10/1/19-6/30/2020) or after (7/1/2020-9/30/21) service implementation using t-test (continuous variables) and χ2 test (categorical variables). Results Of 820 decedents, 186 died pre-intervention and 634 post-intervention. Post-intervention, more decedents saw inpatient PC (72% vs. 59%, p<.001) and outpatient PC (34% vs. 23%, p<.01), had more PC visits (11.1 vs. 8.9, p<.05), and had their first PC visit sooner before death (159 vs. 76 days, p<.001). Post-intervention decedents were less likely to have ED (41% vs. 52%, p< 0.05), hospital (57% vs. 71%, p<.001), or ICU encounters (17% vs. 25%; p<.01) in the last 30 days of life, or to receive systemic cancer therapy in the last 14 days of life (5% vs. 9%, p<.05). Hospice referrals remained stable, (67% vs. 60%, p=.09), but hospice length-of-stay increased (36 vs. 22 days, p<.05), as did frequency of death at home (50% vs. 41%, p<.05). There were no between-group differences in age at cancer diagnosis or death, gender, race/ethnicity, insurance, or primary cancer. Conclusion Despite implementation challenges during the COVID pandemic, a criteria-based, interdisciplinary PC consult service in inpatient oncology was associated with earlier, more intense PC and improved end-of-life quality outcomes. Keywords Models of Palliative Care Delivery / Patient Outcome
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