Enhance Robustness of Language Models Against Variation Attack Through Graph Integration
arXiv (Cornell University)(2024)
The widespread use of pre-trained language models (PLMs) in natural languageprocessing (NLP) has greatly improved performance outcomes. However, thesemodels' vulnerability to adversarial attacks (e.g., camouflaged hints from drugdealers), particularly in the Chinese language with its rich characterdiversity/variation and complex structures, hatches vital apprehension. In thisstudy, we propose a novel method, CHinese vAriatioN Graph Enhancement (CHANGE),to increase the robustness of PLMs against character variation attacks inChinese content. CHANGE presents a novel approach for incorporating a Chinesecharacter variation graph into the PLMs. Through designing differentsupplementary tasks utilizing the graph structure, CHANGE essentially enhancesPLMs' interpretation of adversarially manipulated text. Experiments conductedin a multitude of NLP tasks show that CHANGE outperforms current languagemodels in combating against adversarial attacks and serves as a valuablecontribution to robust language model research. These findings contribute tothe groundwork on robust language models and highlight the substantialpotential of graph-guided pre-training strategies for real-world applications.
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Language Modeling,Topic Modeling,Word Representation,Syntax-based Translation Models,Part-of-Speech Tagging
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