5G: Radio Technology Crafted for Wireless Cellular Connectivity

2024 11th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom)(2024)

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5G denotes the fifth phase of radio technology crafted for wireless cellular connectivity. Historical trends indicate that significant technological advancement occurred in technologies that existed before 5G: 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G. In this paper, we are making comparisons of all the generations and presenting why 5G is the best among other generations. It defines the functioning of 5G, how it transmits data, and acceleration procedures. This innovation is significant due to its ability to help transform urban areas into smart cities as well as innovative concepts similar to autonomous vehicles and telesurgeries. The 5G additionally employs novel approaches to transferring data or information, similar to exceedingly elevated radio waves as well as a phenomenon known as “m-MIMO”. The 5G is an integral component of something referred to as the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, regarding significant shifts within the interconnected understanding of manufacturing processes and our daily lifestyles. It varies slightly from previous generations of networks and can perform additional tasks, like interlinking various devices and machinery. The main purpose of this study is to assist individuals who lack expertise to understand the essence of 5G, and furthermore aid those who are knowledgeable about mobile networks, which provides an opportunity to delve deeper into its intricacies.
Radio technology,industrial revolution,mobile generations,massive multiple-input,cellular network
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