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Exploring Conductive Filler-Embedded Polymer Nanocomposite for Electrical Percolation via Electromagnetic Shielding-Based Additive Manufacturing


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This review delves into the progress made in additive manufacturing through the incorporation of conductive fillers in nanocomposites. Emphasizing the critical role of percolation and conductivity, the study highlights advancements in material selection, particularly focusing on carbon nanotubes with low percolation thresholds. The practical applications of these nanocomposites in additive manufacturing polymer composites are explored, emphasizing the understanding of percolation thresholds. Furthermore, the present review paper investigates the potential of these materials as lightweight alternatives for electromagnetic interference shielding (EMI), particularly in key sectors such as automotive and aerospace industries. The integration of advanced materials, modeling techniques, and standardization is discussed as pivotal for successful implementation. Overall, the review underscores the significant strides in enhancing electrical properties and electromagnetic interference shielding capabilities through the strategic use of conductive filler nanocomposites in additive manufacturing. This review investigates composite materials and their electrical conductivity via conductive fillers and percolation thresholds. It examines the role of nanoparticles in polymer-based nanocomposites. Additionally, it discusses the impact of additive manufacturing on industries like automotive and aerospace, filler alignment, and the potential of conductive nanocomposites for lightweight electromagnetic shielding. image
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additive manufacturing,conductive fillers,electrical percolation threshold,EMI shielding,nanocomposites
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