
Reliable Arrival Time Picking of Acoustic Emission Using Ensemble Machine Learning Models

Mechanical systems and signal processing(2024)

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This study presents an innovative method for accurately picking the first-wave arrival time in acoustic emission (AE) localization, particularly effective in environments with low or variable signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). Utilizing an ensemble learning model, it synergizes multiple automatic arrival time estimation algorithms to enhance both consistency and robustness. The model, rooted in decision tree methodologies, integrates a variety of techniques, including Akaike information criterion (AIC), improved AIC, Hinkley, energy ratios, and wavelet transformation-based binary map. Its efficacy is demonstrated through testing on 549 manually annotated AE datasets, where the model’s predictions were benchmarked against manual picks, showcasing superior accuracy and robustness in AE event source localization. Evaluations of the model’s performance across various ensemble machine learning models highlighted its ability to significantly diminish localization errors, achieving an average absolute error of less than 1.5 mm. The study also delved into the impact of base pickers and the size of the training dataset on the model’s predictions. Findings indicated consistent performance across different decision tree models, with the accuracy of base pickers and training set size playing a significant role in outcomes. This research culminates in a decision tree-based ensemble machine learning solution that effectively estimates AE first-wave arrival times with high accuracy and robustness, even amidst fluctuating SNR conditions. Its adaptability and interpretability greatly reduce source localization errors in practical AE monitoring, effectively overcoming challenges associated with imprecise arrival time picking.
Acoustic emission localization,Arrival time picking,Ensemble machine learning,Decision tree
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