Benefits of Pair-Bond Duration on Reproduction in a Lifelong Monogamous Cooperative Passerine


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Long-term social and genetic monogamy is rare in animals except birds, but even in birds it is infrequent and poorly understood. We investigated possible advantages of monogamy in a colonial, facultative cooperatively breeding bird from an arid, unpredictable environment, the sociable weaver (Philetairus socius). We documented divorce and extrapair paternity of 703 pairs over 10 years and separated effects of pair duration from breeding experience by analyzing longitudinal and cross-sectional datasets. Parts of the colonies were protected from nest predation, thereby limiting its stochastic and thus confounding effect on fitness measures. We found that 6.4% of sociable weaver pairs divorced and 2.2% of young were extrapair. Longer pair-bonds were associated with more clutches and fledglings per season and with reproducing earlier and later in the season, when snake predation is lower, but not with increased egg or fledgling mass or with nestling survival. Finally, the number of helpers at the nest increased with pair-bond duration. Results were similar for protected and unprotected nests. We suggest that long-term monogamy is associated with a better capacity for exploiting a temporally unpredictable environment and helps to form larger groups. These results can contribute to our understanding of why long-term monogamy is frequently associated with unpredictable environments and cooperation.
breeding experience,cooperative breeder,long-term monogamy,monogamous songbirds,pair-bond duration,predation pressure
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