A review of the topical management of acne and its associated sequelae in the Asia-Pacific region with a spotlight on trifarotene

Jo-Ann See,Rajeev Chavda, Khen M. Kon, Greg J. Goodman, Marie S. Oblepias, Rosalia Nadela,Hazel H. Oon, Sanjeev Aurangabadkar, Daeh H. Suh,Henry H. L. Chan,Koushik Lahiri


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Acne, a highly prevalent skin disease, can be particularly bothersome for patients of Asian background because of its impact on self-confidence and social interactions. In addition to active acne lesions, some patients may develop sequelae such as scarring, macular/postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, or erythema. The tendency of Asian skin to develop sequelae because of its increased susceptibility to irritation, cultural preferences for lighter skin phototypes, and differences in skincare regimens may all contribute to the increased burden of acne. Moreover, many Asia-Pacific countries do not have their own guidelines for acne management, and those that do often have no schedule in place for regular updates. In this article, we provide a critical review of the published guidance for the management of acne and its sequelae in the Asia-Pacific region, identifying gaps in current recommendations that could be addressed to enhance standards of acne care in Asia-Pacific countries. Along with highlighting the importance of a comprehensive skincare regimen to increase treatment efficacy and adherence, we discuss topical retinoids and retinoid combination options in the acne armamentarium that may be beneficial for sequelae prevention and management, such as adapalene 0.3% +/- benzoyl peroxide 2.5%, tretinoin 0.05%, tazarotene 0.1%, and trifarotene 0.005%. In particular, trifarotene 0.005% has been observed to significantly reduce acne scar counts in a Phase 4 study. The recent data highlight the need to establish up-to-date guidance for acne and acne sequelae management in Asia-Pacific countries to provide optimal care to Asian patients. Acne can be very problematic for its sufferers. However, acne sequelae (scarring, excessive pigmentation [hyperpigmentation], and redness [erythema]) can be just as devastating. Asian people may be more likely to suffer these sequelae because their skin is more susceptible to irritation. So, doctors must receive clear guidance on how to manage acne and its sequelae. Here, we investigate current guidance for doctors in the Asia-Pacific region to treat acne sequelae. We also discuss treatment options that can be applied to the skin to help treat acne sequelae.
acne vulgaris,acne sequelae,hyperpigmentation,scarring,erythema,trifarotene,treatment outcome,Asia,Australasia
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