
Impact of Harvest Time and Storage on the Quality and Bioactive Compounds of ‘brasileirinha’ Pumpkin

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation(2024)

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Pumpkins (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne ex Poir) are extensively cultivated in Brazil, gaining prominence due to their importance in nutrition and potential health benefits. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of harvest time and storage conditions on the postharvest quality and contents of bioactive compounds in ‘Brasileirinha’ pumpkin. The experimental design employed was a completely randomized design in a 3 × 6 factorial scheme, involving three harvest times (70, 90, and 110 days after planting) and six storage periods (0, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35 days), with five replicates. The results highlighted variations in the external fruit brightness during storage, with a notable increase at 70 days after planting (DAP) and a consistent decrease in fruits harvested at 110 DAP. The a and b coordinates of the outer skin indicated that the harvest time influenced fruit ripening, with fruits harvested at 110 DAP showing higher values, suggesting a more advanced ripening stage. Fruit firmness decreased over storage time, regardless of the harvest time. Fruits harvested at 110 DAP exhibited higher soluble solids content, while pH increased during storage. Bioactive compounds, such as the ascorbic acid content, increased during storage, being higher in fruits harvested at 110 DAP. Total chlorophyll decreased, while carotenoids increased with storage, especially in fruits harvested at 110 DAP. Phenolic compounds and flavonoid varied with harvest time and storage, emphasizing the importance of considering these factors in assessing the nutritional quality of ‘Brasileirinha’ pumpkin. This study provided valuable information about changes in the quality and composition of bioactive compounds in ‘Brasileirinha’ pumpkin during storage, with an emphasis on the influence of harvest time. These results have significant implications for the food and nutrition industry, aiming to optimize the use of this vegetable as a healthy nutrient source in the human diet.
Cucurbita moschata,Postharvest,Ripening,Storage,Bioactive compounds
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