
Unraveling the Kinematics of IZw18: A Detailed Study of Ionized Gas with MEGARA/GTC

Antonio Arroyo-Polonio,Carolina Kehrig, Jorge Iglesias Paramo,José Manuel Vílchez,Enrique Pérez Montero,Salva Duarte Puertas, Jesus Gallego, Daniel Reverte, Antonio Cabrera Lavers


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This study delves into the intricate kinematic behavior of ionized gas within IZw18, a galaxy known for its remarkably low metallicity and proximity. Leveraging data from MEGARA/GTC, we meticulously analyzed the galaxy's structure and dynamics using Hα line profiles. Employing single and double Gaussian component fittings, we generated detailed maps of luminosity, velocity, and velocity dispersion across both the main body (MB) and Halo regions. By extracting integrated spectra from various galactic zones, we enhanced the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio. In the MB, a clear rotational pattern emerged, supplemented by a more intricate kinematic structure from the double-component fitting, notably featuring a broad component with a FWHM nearing 2000 km/s. This broad component, exhibiting wide spatial extension, hints at a high-energy outflow and suggests non-localized sources of significant kinetic energy. The considerable velocity disparities between narrow and broad components imply potential spatial segregation, possibly due to dense gas near the kinematic origin acting as a momentum-reflection 'wall'. Examining the halos, the NE Halo appears tranquil with low velocity dispersions, while the SW Halo displays higher velocities and complex kinematics, indicative of varied dynamic interactions. The presence of the broad component throughout the MB and the intricate kinematics across all regions suggests widespread and subtle turbulent motion. This nuanced understanding of IZw18's kinematic behavior, elucidating the interplay of gas components and internal structures, enriches our comprehension of dynamics in blue compact dwarf galaxies. It holds promise for shedding light on early galaxy formation and the complex kinematics inherent to such environments.
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