Cationic nanocarriers: A potential approach for targeting negatively charged cancer cell

Monika Vishwakarma, Poornima Agrawal,Sakshi Soni, Surbhi Tomar,Tanweer Haider, Shushil K. Kashaw,Vandana Soni

Advances in Colloid and Interface Science(2024)

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Cancer, a widespread and lethal disease, necessitates precise therapeutic interventions to mitigate its devastating impact. While conventional chemotherapy remains a cornerstone of cancer treatment, its lack of specificity towards cancer cells results in collateral damage to healthy tissues, leading to adverse effects. Thus, the quest for targeted strategies has emerged as a critical focus in cancer research. This review explores the development of innovative targeting methods utilizing novel drug delivery systems tailored to recognize and effectively engage cancer cells. Cancer cells exhibit morphological and metabolic traits, including irregular morphology, unchecked proliferation, metabolic shifts, genetic instability, and a higher negative charge, which serve as effective targeting cues. Central to these strategies is the exploitation of the unique negative charge characteristic of cancer cells, attributed to alterations in phospholipid composition and the Warburg effect. Leveraging this distinct feature, researchers have devised cationic carrier systems capable of enhancing the specificity of therapeutic agents towards cancer cells. The review delineates the underlying causes of the negative charge in cancer cells and elucidates various targeting approaches employing cationic compounds for drug delivery systems. Furthermore, it delves into the methods employed for the preparation of these systems. Beyond cancer treatment, the review also underscores the multifaceted applications of cationic carrier systems, encompassing protein and peptide delivery, imaging, photodynamic therapy, gene delivery, and antimicrobial applications. This comprehensive exploration underscores the potential of cationic carrier systems as versatile tools in the fight against cancer and beyond.
Cationic nanocarriers,cancer cell,Tumor,Negative charge,Cationic lipids,Cationic polymers,Cationic surfactants
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