
Utilising Localised Exhaust and Air Curtain to Reduce Airborne Particle Settlement on Surgical Patients: Potential Future Application in Operating Rooms?

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry(2024)

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An operating room is a healthcare facility used to perform surgical operations on a patient. The OR demands high-air cleanliness and sterile conditions to reduce the risk of patients contracting surgical site infections. However, previous research stated that noticeable particle concentrations were identified near the surgery area. This scenario could elevate the tendency of particles to settle on the patient’s wound and subsequently cause SSIs. Therefore, this study examines the effectiveness of innovative localised exhaust and air curtains in reducing the number of particles settling on the patient. An OR model was constructed using computer-aided design (CAD), while the airflow and particle simulation were performed using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The reliability of the present work was verified and validated using established data before the case study. A Re-Normalisation Group (RNG) k–ε model based on the Eulerian approach was used to simulate the airflow. In contrast, a discrete phase model (DPM) based on the Lagrangian approach was used to simulate the airborne particle dispersion. Results showed that the activation of the localised exhaust located on the two sides of the operating table could reduce the total particle settlement on the patient by 26
Operating room,Airborne diseases,Surgical site infections,Human health,Indoor air pollution
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