
Abstract 19519: Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Correlates with Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire and Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire in Measuring Heart Failure Patient Well-Being and Predicting Outcomes

Jesalyn A Tate, Mary E Davis, Tiffanie M Markus,Daniel J Lenihan


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Introduction: The assessment of patient well-being and correlation with outcomes is especially difficult, particularly with HF patients. Currently, the time-consuming Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) and Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ) are typically used only in research protocols; conversely, the PHQ-9 is a much simpler questionnaire that can be completed and scored in a typical clinical setting. Hypothesis: We hypothesized that the scores of the PHQ-9 correlate with the scores of the KCCQ and MLHFQ, and that for clinical purposes, it may be beneficial to substitute the longer questionnaires with the PHQ-9. Methods: Using data obtained through the Vanderbilt Main Heart Registry, we compared patient scores on the KCCQ and MLHFQ in each depression category (none, mild, moderate, moderately-severe, and severe) in 294 patients with heart failure, as defined by patient PHQ-9 scores. We also assessed survival data for the patients that have been followed up to two years with annual PHQ-9 scores to evaluate the correlation between depression category and mortality. Results: The study group (N=294) was 55 years (range 18-90) and 60% male, most with symptomatic HF (93% ≥ NYHA II)( Table 1.). Twenty-five percent of patients with severe depression are deceased. Preliminary results indicate there is a direct correlation between PHQ-9 category and corresponding KCCQ (p < 0.001) and MLHFQ (p < 0.001) scores (Figure 1.). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the PHQ-9 can be readily used as a screen for depression and quality of life in HF patient in the clinical setting. Additionally, PHQ-9 score appears highly correlated to major outcomes.
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