Latency Visualization Emulation Scheme for Interactive Cloud XR Gaming.

Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications(2024)

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Only the chairs can edit Network latency prevails as one of the most dominant challenges when deploying interactive Extended Reality (XR) applications on a remote server. Due to human users’ different multisensory latency requirements, testing different network latency settings on the overall user experience and Quality of Service (QoS) is crucial. This demo introduces a novel Latency Visualization Emulation Scheme designed for testing QoS future interactive XR gaming applications. The scheme simulates varying network latencies corresponding to different types of networks. It visualizes the player’s actions in two states: as the player sees it on his screen and how the server sees it after receiving data with delay and uses it in calculations of interactions with other interactive objects of the game. Our demo allows users to visually experience network latency in XR applications without deploying them in cloud infrastructures.
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