
A comprehensive assessment of the environmental footprint of pomegranate juice production system by life cycle assessment approach

Environmental and Sustainability Indicators(2024)

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This groundbreaking research conducts the first comprehensive life cycle assessment of pomegranate juice production system, identifying key environmental hotspots, and offering valuable insights for improving environmental performance. This study employs the ReCiPe method within SimaPro software to assess the environmental impacts per pack of 160g of juice. The findings indicated that a pack of pomegranate juice leads to 0.15 kg CO2 eq. Among all factors affecting global warming, natural gas used for juicing stood out as the most significant, responsible for over one-third of the impacts. In addition, the amount of human carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic toxicity impact categories was equal to 0.004 and 0.063 kg 1,4-DCB, respectively, mainly due to the pomegranate production in the orchard phase. Fruit production is also an environmental hotspot in other impact categories. The emissions from chemical fertilizers and manure application, fruit transportation toward the factory, and diesel fuel consumption by machinery were recognized to be the main hotspots in the orchard. Based on the weighted damage categories, the production of one pack of juice led to 3.64 mPt damage to the environment. The damage to human health contributed to 88% of the weighted environmental damage. The outcome of the sensitivity analysis indicated that natural gas in the juicing process is the most important parameter in damage to human health, ecosystems, and resource. In line with that, efforts for optimized consumption of natural gas and its replacement with eco-friendly alternatives can be a promising approach in pomegranate juice production from the environmental point of view.
Pomegranate juicing,Environmental impact,Life cycle assessment,Sustainable food
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