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High-temperature corrosion-resistant alloy for waste-to-energy plants: Alloy designing, fabrication, and possible corrosion-resistance mechanism


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This study designed a novel high-temperature corrosion-resistant alloy through thermodynamic equilibrium computations. The strength was determined by the integration of precipitation-strengthening species of nickel boride and tungsten solid solution strengthening, while the high-temperature corrosion-resistant property was realized through optimized compositional design. Phase stability was enabled by the presence of a face-centered cubic structure. The alloy was fabricated and its corrosion-resistance performance was experimentally compared with other commercially available nickel- and iron-based alloys under simulated municipal solid waste combustion. The designed alloy with a composition of Ni-5B-6W-28Cr-13Al showed a low corrosion rate of ∼72% < 13CrMo4-5TS and 1.08% > Inconel 625. Economic analysis showed that Ni-5B-6W-28Cr-13Al has a cost-effectiveness ratio of 1:1.57 with respect to Inconel 625 and 1:0.09 with respect to 13CrMo4-5TS. Corrosion-resistance mechanism was explored using scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy, x-ray diffractometer, and DFT computations. The corrosion resistance occurred through the formation of a uniform tungsten-chromium-oxide film which inhibits inward diffusion of corrosive chlorine species. These findings provide insights into the development of alloys for high-temperature technologies.
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Key words
High-temperature corrosion,Thermodynamic equilibrium calculation,Corrosion-resistant alloy,DFT computations,Corrosion-resistant mechanism
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