Release of Damaged Mitochondrial DNA: A Novel Factor in Stimulating Inflammatory Response

Pathology - Research and Practice(2024)

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Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a circular double-stranded genome that exists independently of the nucleus. In recent years, research on mtDNA has significantly increased, leading to a gradual increase in understanding of its physiological and pathological characteristics. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and other factors can damage mtDNA. This damaged mtDNA can escape from the mitochondria to the cytoplasm or extracellular space, subsequently activating immune signaling pathways, such as NLR family pyrin domain protein 3 (NLRP3), and triggering inflammatory responses. Numerous studies have demonstrated the involvement of mtDNA damage and leakage in the pathological mechanisms underlying various diseases including infectious diseases, metabolic inflammation, and immune disorders. Consequently, comprehensive investigation of mtDNA can elucidate the pathological mechanisms underlying numerous diseases. The prevention of mtDNA damage and leakage has emerged as a novel approach to disease treatment, and mtDNA has emerged as a promising target for drug development. This article provides a comprehensive review of the mechanisms underlying mtDNA-induced inflammation, its association with various diseases, and the methods used for its detection.
mitochondria,mtDNA,Inflammation,mtDNA damage,mtDNA release
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