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Effect of Target Layering in Gravity-Dominated Cratering in Nature, Experiments, and Numerical Simulations

Journal of geophysical research Planets(2024)

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Impacts into layered targets may generate "concentric craters" where a wider outer crater in the top layer surrounds a smaller, nested crater in the basement, which itself may be complex or simple. The influence of target on cratering depends on the ratio of target strength to lithostatic stress, which, in turn, is affected by gravity, target density, and crater diameter. When this ratio is large, the crater size is primarily determined by target strength, whereas gravitational forces dominate when the ratio is small. In two-layer targets, strength may dominate in one or both layers, whereby the outer crater develops in the weaker top layer and the nested crater in the stronger substrate. However, large natural craters that should be gravity-dominated in both cover strata and substrate may be concentric, the reasons for which are not yet fully understood. We performed qualitative impact experiments at 10-502 G and 1.8 km/s with the Boeing Corp. Hypervelocity centrifuge gun, and at 1 G and 0.4 km/s with the CAB CSIC-INTA gas gun into layered sand targets of different compositions and grain densities but similar granulometry to analyze gravity-dominated cratering. The results are compared with iSALE-2D numerical simulations and natural craters on Earth and Mars. We show that target layering also affects the excavation process and concentric crater formation in gravity-dominated impacts. The most important factors are the density and internal friction of each target layer, respectively. We propose that this is also valid for natural craters of sizes that should make their formation gravity-dominated. Concentric impact craters show a "soup-plate" or "inverted sombrero" shape that forms on planetary surfaces with distinct subsurface layers. Generally, a deep inner crater forms in the substrate and a shallower, broader outer crater forms in the upper layer. The shape is obtained either from extensive post-impact collapse of the upper, often weaker layer, or already during crater excavation, which is the focus of this study. The ratio of outer to inner diameter in the latter craters can be used to probe the depth of the upper layer and the contrast in material properties to the substrate. However, the controls on the relative size of the inner and outer craters are not well understood. While the formation of natural concentric craters is often attributed to a change in cohesive strength between the upper and lower layers, we show through impact experiments and numerical simulations that concentric craters can also form in cohesionless targets with a contrast in both density and friction coefficient between the layers. This provides an additional mechanism for concentric crater formation that may explain the development of some large, gravity-dominated, naturally occurring concentric craters on Earth, Mars and elsewhere. Concentric craters are not only due to strength differences between layers but also observed in cohesionless, gravity-dominated targets This may explain the occurrence of large gravity-dominated concentric craters on Earth, Mars and elsewhere Key factors affecting the concentric growth in these cases are the density and internal friction of each target layer, respectively
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Key words
impact processes,cratering,Earth,Mars,experimental techniques
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