
Interdigitated-back-contacted silicon heterojunction solar cells featuring novel MoOx-based contact stacks

Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications(2024)

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The fabrication process of interdigitated-back-contacted silicon heterojunction (IBC-SHJ) solar cells has been significantly simplified with the development of the so-called tunnel-IBC architecture. This architecture utilizes a highly conductive (p)-type nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) layer deposited over the full substrate area comprising pre-patterned (n)-type nc-Si:H fingers. In this context, the (p)-type nc-Si:H layer is referred to as blanket layer. As both electrodes are connected to the same blanket layer, the high lateral conductivity of (p)nc-Si:H layer can potentially lead to relatively low shunt resistance in the device, thus limiting the performance of such solar cells. To overcome such limitation, we introduce a thin (<2 nm) full-area molybdenum oxide (MoOx) layer as an alternative to the (p)nc-Si:H blanket layer. We demonstrate that the use of such a thin MoOx minimizes the shunting losses thanks to its low lateral conductivity while preserving the simplified fabrication process. In this process, a novel (n)-type nc-Si:H/MoOx electron collection contact stack is implemented within the proposed solar cell architecture. We assess its transport mechanisms via electrical simulations showing that electron transport, unlike in the case of tunnel-IBC, occurs in the conduction band fully. Moreover, the proposed contact stack is evaluated in terms of contact resistivity and integrated into a proof-of-concept front/back-contacted (FBC) SHJ solar cells. Contact resistivity as low as 100 m Omega cm(2) is achieved, and fabricated FBC-SHJ solar cells obtain a fill factor above 81.5% and open-circuit voltage above 705 mV. Lastly, the IBC-SHJ solar cells featuring the MoOx blanket layer are fabricated, exhibiting efficiencies up to 21.14% with high shunt resistances above 150 k Omega cm(2). Further optimizations in terms of layer properties and fabrication process are proposed to improve device performance and realize the efficiency potential of our novel IBC-SHJ solar cell architecture.
interdigitated-back-contacted solar cells,MoOx blanket layer,silicon heterojunction solar cells,simple processing
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