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Silicon Ion Implant Activation in β-(Al0.2Ga0.8)2O3

Journal of Electronic Materials(2024)

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As gallium oxide-based heterojunction devices gain prominence, low-resistance contacts to aluminum gallium oxide material are of increasing importance for high performance and access to modulation doped layers. Here, the activation of ion-implanted silicon donors is investigated as a function of donor density from 5 × 1018 cm−3 to 1 × 1020 cm−3, activation anneal duration from 6 s to 600 s, and activation temperature from 900°C to 1140°C. Importantly, ohmic behavior was achievable across a reasonably wide process window at moderate to high doping concentrations. Specific contact resistance of 1 × 10−3 Ω cm2 and sheet resistance of 2.8 kΩ/□ were achieved for a 60 nm-deep 1 × 1020 cm−3 box implant after activation at 1000°C for 6 s with standard Ti/Au contacts. Under these conditions, an activation efficiency of 7
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Key words
Gallium oxide,aluminum gallium oxide,ion implantation,doping,dopant activation
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