Simulation of the Far-Infrared Polarimetry Approach Envisioned for the PRIMA Mission


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Interest in the study of magnetic fields and the properties of interstellar dust, explored through increasingly capable far-IR/submillimeter polarimetry, along with maturing detector technology, have set the stage for a transformative leap in polarization mapping capability using a cryogenic space telescope. We describe the approach pursued by the proposed Probe far-Infrared Mission for Astrophysics (PRIMA) to make ultra-deep maps of intensity and polarization in four bands in the 91-232 micron range. A simple, polarimetry-optimized PRIMA Polarimetric Imager (PPI) is designed for this purpose, consisting of arrays of single-polarization Kinetic Inductance Detectors oriented with three angles which allow measurement of Stokes I, Q, and U in single scans. In this study, we develop an end-to-end observation simulator to perform a realistic test of the approach for the case of mapping a nearby galaxy. The observations take advantage of a beam-steering mirror to perform efficient, two-dimensional, crossing scans. Map making is based on 'destriping' approaches demonstrated for Herschel/SPIRE and Planck. Taking worst-case assumptions for detector sensitivity including 1/f noise, we find excellent recovery of simulated input astrophysical maps, with I, Q, and U detected at near fundamental limits. We describe how PPI performs detector relative calibration and mitigates the key systematic effects to accomplish PRIMA polarization science goals.
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