
Restoring Nature's Allostasis to Disordered Water Ecosystems with KELEA - Kinetic Energy Limiting Electrostatic Attraction


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Natural ecosystems typically sustain their functions despite moderate changes in one or more of their components. The adaptability to change is referred to as Nature’s Allostasis. Functional sustainability of ecosystems is not intrinsically possible, however, if the alterations within the ecosystem exceed certain thresholds, referred to as tipping points. The resulting failure of Nature’s Allostasis is attributed to an insufficiency of the required energy. KELEA, an acronym for Kinetic Energy Limiting Electrostatic Attraction, is proposed as a fundamental force of Nature. Its primary role may be to prevent the fusion and annihilation of electrostatically attracted opposing electrical charges. It also functions as a life force energy that is distinct from photosynthesis and food metabolism. Various compounds and devices can create elevated localized levels of KELEA. One such compound, marketed as Kiko Technology, comprises volcanic materials that have been pulverized, heated, and subsequently cooled before being made into small cylindrical pellets. Water that is close to heightened levels of KELEA responds by a loosening of its intermolecular hydrogen bonding. The energy in KELEA activated water can assist in restoring Nature’s Allostasis in polluted inland waterways. This was shown by treating several bodies of water, which were heavily contaminated with toxic blue-green algae (cyanobacteria). Relatively few Kiko pellets in conjunction with small amounts of biochar and a mineral water conditioner were required for long-lasting remedial benefits. Moreover, there was the progressive return of wildlife to the treated regions of water. This relatively simple approach should find widespread application to many of the world’s polluted waterways.
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