
An IrRuOx Catalyst Supported by Oxygen-Vacant Ta Oxide for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction and Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis.

Yanrong Liu, Meiqi Zhang,Cong Zhang, Honghua Zhang,Hao Wang


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The sustainable development of proton exchange membrane water electrolysis (PEMWE) requires a dramatic reduction in Ir while maintaining good catalytic activity and stability for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Herein, high-surface-area Ta2O5 with abundant oxygen vacancies is synthesized via a facile process, followed by anchoring IrRuOx onto a Ta2O5 support (IrRuOx/Ta2O5). IrRuOx and Ta2O5 work synergistically to afford excellent catalytic performance for the acidic OER. At 0.3 mg(Ir) cm(-2), IrRuOx/Ta2O5 only needed an overpotential of 235 mV to deliver 10 mA cm(-2) in an acidic half cell and needed a cell potential of 1.91 V to deliver 2 A cm(-2) in a PEM water electrolyzer. The characterization results show that doping Ir into RuOx significantly improves the stability and the electrochemically active surface area of RuOx. In IrRuOx/Ta2O5, IrRuOx interacts with Ta2O5 through more electron-rich Ir, indicating strong synergy between the catalyst and the support. The use of a metal oxide support improves the catalyst dispersion, optimizes electronic structures, facilitates mass transport, and stabilizes active sites. This work demonstrates that compositing Ir with less expensive Ru and anchoring catalyst nanoparticles on platinum-group metal (PGM)-free metal oxide supports represents one of the most promising strategies to reduce Ir loading and achieve an activity-stability trade-off. Such a strategy can benefit future catalyst design for other energy storage and conventional processes.
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