Comparing motivations and barriers to reduce meat and adopt protein alternatives amongst meat-eaters in Australia, China and the UK

Food Quality and Preference(2024)

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Motivations are central in determining consumer food choices and provide insights regarding barriers to change. Given the global need to transition towards more sustainable protein consumption patterns, understanding cross-cultural motivations is important. The present research aimed to address this knowledge gap by reviewing motivations to reduce meat and to adopt meat substitutes, edible insects and cultured meat amongst meat-eating consumers in Australia, China and the UK (n = 1,777). An online survey captured the importance of key motivations via closed-ended statements, with barriers to change collected via open-ended questions for extremely unwilling consumers. Results found food safety and environmental benefits to be the most important motives for meat reduction and protein alternatives adoption. Chinese and UK consumers were more motivated by these factors compared to Australian consumers who had the greatest proportion of consumers unwilling to reduce based on the belief meat consumption is necessary for health reasons. Relative differences in motivational importance were also apparent by protein alternative type. In general, the greatest proportion of unwilling responses amongst Australians (n = 245) related to the use of meat substitutes, whilst for Chinese (n = 160) and UK consumers (n = 97) it related to edible insects. Overall, six key themes were identified amongst extremely unwilling consumers, with the protein alternatives being perceived as; Unhealthy, Unnecessary, Unsustainable, Unsafe, Unnatural and Unappealing. The prominence of themes differed between countries and across protein categories, but the perception that alternatives were unnecessary was a communal theme. Overall, the findings provide interesting insights and recommendations to support country-specific protein transitions.
Motivations,Meat reduction,Protein alternatives,Cross-cultural,Open-ended questions
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